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Easy Ways to Support SOI
Register for Camp Shofar
Please verify reCaptcha before submitting the form.
Late Fee in effec
Last day to register is Tuesday, October 1st.
Oct. 1st is the last day to register. After this date, contact Melissa Klein directly
or 856-278-1131.
Camp Shofar is a special childcare program for children of parents attending services at SOI during the High Holidays.
Regular Price List
Rosh Hashanah October 3rd & 4th - $25 per day.
Yom Kippur October 11th (Night) Kol Nidrei - $20
Yom Kippur October 12 (day) - $30
Yom Kippur October 12 (evening) Neilah - $20
Rosh Hashanah October 3rd & 4th - $30 per day.
Yom Kippur October 11th (Night) Kol Nidrei - $25
Yom Kippur October 12 (day) - $35
Yom Kippur October 12 (evening) Neilah - $25
You must login to ShulCloud to get the Member rate.
Charges will be applied to nonmembers as indicated below.
See flyer for additional details or contact Melissa Klein at
If you log in now, (click login in the upper right hand corner*) the following information will automatically populate, your payment will immediately be attributed to your account and you will be able to pay by check (choose “Bill to my account”) to save yourself or the Shul the credit card or Paypal convenience fee. Give it a try.
* if you have not logged in before or forgot your password, click “Forgot password” and you will receive an email to reset it.
First name
Last name
email address
How may children would you like to register ?
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (Pre K-Kindergarten)
Honey Boys (1st - 2nd grade)
Honey Girls (1st - 2nd grade)
Fish Heads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana Second day (Oct 4th)
Yom Kippur October 11th (Night) Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (PreK-K)
Honey Boys (1st-2nd Grade)
Honey Girls (1st - 2nd Grade)
FishHeads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana Second day (Oct 4)
Yom Kippur Oct 11th Kol Nidre (Night)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (PreK-K)
Honey Boys (1st-2nd Grade)
Honey Girls (1st - 2nd Grade)
FishHeads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana Second day (Oct 4)
Yom Kippur Oct 11th Kol Nidre (Night)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (PreK-K)
Honey Boys (1st-2nd Grade)
Honey Girls (1st - 2nd Grade)
FishHeads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana Second day (Oct 4)
Yom Kippur Oct 11th Kol Nidre (Night)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (PreK-K)
Honey Boys (1st-2nd Grade)
Honey Girls (1st-2nd Grade)
FishHeads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana Second day (Oct 4)
Yom Kippur Oct 11th Kol Nidre (Night)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Enter name of child
Select a group
Please Select One
Bumblebees (12-24 months)
Apples (2-3 years)
Pomegranates (PreK-K)
Honey Boys (1st-2nd Grade)
Honey Girls (1st-2nd Grade)
FishHeads (3rd-5th Grade)
Which days ?
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 3rd)
Rosh Hashana First Day (Oct 4th)
Yom Kippur Oct 11th Kol Nidre (Night)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Day)
Yom Kippur Oct 12 (Evening) Neilah
Non-member Rates
Consider being a sponsor
Honeybee ($72)
Apple ($180)
Pomegranate ($360)
Fish Head ($540)
Your generosity would be most appreciated
Logged in members can pay by check if they would prefer.
Others are asked to please pay by credit card.
If you are paying by check, please send in your prior to the holiday.
Thank you for your support.
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785