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Newslink for Shmini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, and Shabbat Bereisheet (October 23rd - October 27th)

10/23/2024 03:30:45 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Simchat Torah Kiddush is sponsored by SOI in honor & appreciation of all who participated in this year's Pre-SimchaRead more...

Newslink for First Days of Sukkot (October 16 - October 19)

10/16/2024 03:01:11 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Community Sukkah Hop: October 17th, at 3:30pm-5:30pm. Click here for list of addresses. 

Candy Sukkah Building

Newslink for Shabbat Yom Kippur (October 11th - October 12th)

10/10/2024 05:02:26 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Vintage Event - Sukkot Dinner! Enjoy an evening with fellow Vintages on Sunday, October 20th. Cocktail hour and AppRead more...

UPDATED Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Ha'azinu - Shabbat Shuva (October 4th - October 5th)

10/02/2024 03:17:03 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
8AM Minyan is sponsored by Debra & Allen Fineberg In honor of the birth of our new grandson Samuel Bernard Krady


Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Ha'azinu - Shabbat Shuva (October 4th - October 5th)

10/02/2024 02:04:33 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
8AM Minyan is sponsored by Debra & Allen Fineberg In honor of the birth of our new grandson Samuel Bernard Krady


Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech (September 27th - September 28th)

09/26/2024 05:01:03 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit & Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Pre-Rosh HaShana Women's Shiur: Saturday, Sep

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo (September 20th - September 21st)

09/19/2024 05:01:03 PM


Newslink is sponsored by Marlene Goldhagen
In Loving Memory of Bruce Goldhagen 19 Elul 5781 
Announcements & Upcoming Events

Welcome, Freshman

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Ki Teitze (September 13th - September 14th)

09/12/2024 05:01:37 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
8AM Kiddush is sponsored by David and Edith Gold, grandparents of Sarah Linder, in memory of Edith's father Dov Be'Read more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Shoftim (September 6th - September 8th)

09/05/2024 05:01:32 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by Elon and Neely Elisha in honor of Matan's Bar Mitzvah. Mazel tov Matan! We love you and aRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Re'eh

08/29/2024 05:01:11 PM


Please note that the office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. 

Announcements & Upcoming Events
8 AM Minyan ki

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Eikev

08/22/2024 05:00:50 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
8AM Minyan kiddush is sponsored by Edith Gold in memory of her mother Roisa Shoshana bat Yehuda Leib. 

Seudah Sh

Newslink for Shabbat Nachamu / Parashat Va'etchanan

08/15/2024 05:01:09 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit & Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Summer Women's Shiur Series: This Shabbat aft

Newslink for Shabbat Chazon / Parashat Devarim (August 9th - August 11th)

08/08/2024 05:00:43 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Robbie Friedner in yearly memory of three wonderful women. Mother Harriet, Sister SRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Matot-Masei (August 2nd - August 4th)

08/01/2024 05:01:05 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by Yaakov Ha-Levi and Sephardic Minyan in yearly memorial of Jevne Barak, son of Lawrence and JRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Pinchas (July 26 - July 28)

07/25/2024 05:01:53 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit & Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Summer Women's Shiur Series: This Shabbat aft

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Balak (July 19th - July 21st)

07/18/2024 05:00:54 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit & Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Summer Women's Shiur Series: This Shabbat aft

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Chukat (July 12th - July 14th)

07/11/2024 05:01:21 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by Avi and Baila Rynderman and family in honor of Clara Miriam's birth. May she grow in healtRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Korach (July 5th - July 7th)

07/04/2024 05:00:53 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by The Weinberg family in celebration of Liana’s Bat Mitzvah and a very happy birthday to TRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Sh'lach (June 28th - June 30th)

06/27/2024 05:01:25 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored in honor of Ilana Weiss with immense gratitude for all of her hard work during her 2 years as Read more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Beha'alotcha (June 21st - June 22nd)

06/20/2024 05:01:04 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored in honor of everyone who participates in the security program with a special thank you to JFed Read more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Nasso (June 14th - June 16th)

06/14/2024 11:49:54 AM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored in honor of 2024 Graduates! Please see the flyer below for a list of sponsors.

Seudah Shlishit

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Bamidbar (June 7th - June 9th)

06/06/2024 05:01:36 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit and Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Women's Only Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday, J

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Bechukotai (May 30 - June 2)

05/30/2024 05:00:57 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit and Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Ruach Filled Kabbalat Shabbat: We invit

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Behar (May 24 - May 25)

05/23/2024 05:01:51 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush sponsored by the Davies family for all those fighting on the front lines physically and spiritually; In honoRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Emor (May 17 - May 18)

05/16/2024 05:01:34 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by Dovid and Anna Schwartz in honor of the birth of their daughter, Esther Lily and to thank tRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Kedoshim (May 10 - May 11)

05/09/2024 05:01:29 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush is sponsored by Leia and David Mendelovitz in memory of David’s father, Shlomo Henoch ben Shmuel Zev, whosRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Acharei Mot (May 3-5)

05/02/2024 05:52:53 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit and Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.

Doughnuts and Discussion with Rabbi Dovi

Newslink for Shabbat Pesach (April 26-27)

04/25/2024 06:02:47 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events
Reflections from an Israeli Soldier: Thursday, April 25th at 8:45pm at the Davies Home. Join us for an impromptu ChoRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Hagadol Shabbat Parashat Metzorah (April 19-20)

04/18/2024 05:01:39 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events

Kiddush sponsored by Melissa and Gershon Klein in memory and honor of Melissa's mother Shoshana Malka Bat Mechal AlRead more...

Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Tazria (April 13-14)

04/11/2024 05:00:21 PM


Announcements & Upcoming Events

Kiddush is sponsored by Jonathan and Brenda Bender in celebration of Emily's Bat Mitzvah! 

Seudah Shlishit and T
Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785