Community Challah Bake For Israel
We were pleased to host over 100 women attending from SOI/Politz/YI/FTI/Kollel at the Challah Bake for Israel event on November 9th which we raised over $2000 for Israel.
Thank you to sponsors: Schein Orthopaedics, Three Little Birds Pediatric Dentistry, Adler Family & S. Bertram, House of Kosher, Shoprite, Marjorie Mann, Young Israel, Sons of Israel, Politz Day School.
Thank you to Maetal Henig and Alisa Fox for organizing this event and to additional volunteers: Anna Kerzner, Chana Jacobs, Chava Friedler, Malka Feibush, Ora Davies, Sarah Bienenfield, Sheryl Malamud, Talia Hollander, Zippy Juni, Suzie Lubin, Vicki Miltz, Yehudeet Gore, Deena Max, Chaya Eisenberg, Alise Panitch, Aviva Kamienny, Yael Greenwald, Marsha Sadres, Adler family, Debbie Fineberg, Donna Moskowitz, Geula Potashnik, Chana Davies, Menorah Schwartz, Rabbi Keller, Rabbi Greenwald, Sylvia Levine, Sandy Crass, Ilana Weiss, Heshy Chaitoff, Aliza Rabinowitz, Molly Sharabi, Yael Davidowitz, Chani Blackstein, Rivka Glatt, Tova Teichman, Rachel Mizrahi, Toby Greenwald, Mindy Greenwald, Miri Greenwald, Atara and Batya Juni, Shayna Hollander, Aliza and Devorah Bienenfeld.