Kiddush is sponsored by Steven and Karine Koloski wishing their visiting children and grandchildren a safe return trip to Israel.
Seduah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.
Be a Part of the SOI Printed 2024 Calendar! The calendar will be printed full-size and will include Business Ads, as well as Birthday and Anniversary Lists, and Shabbat start and end times.
Click here to get more information and submit your Ad or Milestone Dates.
Deadline to signup is December 1st!
Scholar in Residence - Rav Ari Cutler: Join us in welcoming Rav Cutler for Shabbat, December 1-2. Rav Cutler will be sharing Torah with the community throughout Shabbat, will share his experiences from Israel, and connecting with our High School boys about Yeshivat HaKotel where he is a senior teacher. Please note that the High School Boys Oneg has been moved to the Provda Home. For all of the details about this exciting weekend, please
see the flyer here.
Women's Only Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday, December 1st at 4:35pm in the SOI Chapel. For more information contact Helene Raush at
Donuts and Discussion: Saturday, December 2 10:30am-11:00am for 6th-8th graders with Rabbi Dovi Friedman.
Kids Musical Glow Havdalah: Motzai Shabbat Saturday, December 2nd 6:00-7:00pm. Geared towards ages 0-10, but all are welcome.
Yoetzet Halacha Shiur with Yoetzet Stacey Goldman: Sunday, December 3 10:45am-12:15pm at the home of Malka Feibush. Contact Anna Schwartz for more information or for the address of the event at
Gemara Shiur with Jeff Schwartz: Sunday evening, December 3rd at 7:30pm in the SOI Chapel. Come join for an in depth study of Talmud.
A Deep Look at Sefer Bereishit: Re-Creation and Noach, Monday evening December 4th at 8:00pm in the SOI Kiddush Room or on Zoom ID 88211049415.
Click Here to Join the ZoomSemichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: Wednesday evening, December 6th at 8pm. For more information or to sign up please contact
Women's Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, December 6th from 8:30-8:45pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha.
Click Here to Join the ZoomSupport Group: This group, organized and led by Aaron Feibush, MSW Candidate, is open to all adults to help cope with the war in Israel, rising antisemitism, and related issues. If you are interested in participating, please
complete this brief form. Contact Aaron Feibush at with any questions.
Ruach Filled Kabbalat Shabbat: The next Shabbat Mevarchim Kabbalat Shabbat will be on Friday, December 8th. We invite everyone of all ages to bring in Shabbat together at SOI.
3rd Annual Chulent Cookoff during Kiddush: Shabbat Chanukah, December 9th during Kiddush. Enter as an individual or as a group. Crockpot and basic spices will be provided. Contact Tamar Wiener to participate at Signup by December 4th - Spots are limited.
Musical Hallel for Chanukah: Taking place during Shacharit on Sunday, December 10th at 8am. Contact for more details.
Vintage Presents the Philadelphia Orchestra: Thursday, February 29th, 7:00pm at the Kimmel Center. The program will feature all Beethoven. Seats are limited so register soon. The deadline to register has been extended to December 15th.
Register here.
Save the Date: Saving For Your Future: A Vintage event about estate planning and looking towards a healthy retirement. Sunday, March 13th at 12pm at SOI. More details and registration will be shared as the event approaches.