Newslink for Shabbat Parshat Terumah (February 16-17)
02/15/2024 05:01:36 PM
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Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Marvin Bleiberg in memory of his father Yitchak Elchana ben Mordechai.
Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy. KYHS Comes to SOI: This Shabbat, February 16th-17th featuring learning opportunities for adults, high school students, and middle school students. Click here for full schedule.
Bnei Akiva of Cherry Hill: SNIF: Tu Bishvat themed activities for grades 1-8 on Sunday February 17th, at 3:50pm at SOI. Movie Night: Motzei Shabbatat 7:15pm-9:15pm. Click Flyerfor locations.For more information contact Bnei Akiva Gemara Shiur with Jeff Schwartz: Sunday evening, February 18 at 7:30pm in the SOI Chapel. Come join for an in depth study of Talmud.
A Deep Look at Sefer Bereishit: Re-Creation and Noach, Monday evening, February 19, at 8pm in the SOI Kiddush Room. NOWIN-PERSON.
Nova Festival Survivor Shares Her Story: Liel Shitrit shares her story on Wednesday evening, February 21 at 7:30pm at SOI. Regular Wednesday night classes will take place at a later time to accommodate the timing of this presentation. See times in class descriptions below. Contact Rabbi Davies for more information.
Semichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: Wednesday evening, February 21 at 8:30pm. For more information or to sign up please contact
Women's Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, February 21 from 8:45-9:00pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha. Click Here to Join the Zoom.
Women's Halacha Shiur: Thursday, February 22nd at 8:00pm in the SOI Chapel. Studying the Laws of Shabbat. Come join and learn.
Birthdays At the Shul Youth Seudah Shlishit: Celebrating Birthdays for December-February on Saturday, February 24th. To add your child's birthday to be announced or to sponsor, click here. Contact Jeffrey Weiss for more information.
Middle School Ice Skating: Motzai Shabbat, February 24th at 7:30-9:00pm for 6th-8th graders at Winterfest at Cooper River - Register Here. If you've already registered for the previously scheduled date, you are automatically registered for the new date. For more information, contact Eric Klein at
The Doctor Is In - Hormones, Health, and Halacha At All Ages and Stages: A program for women with the Yoetzet Initiative of Greater Philadelphia & South Jersey on February 24th at 8pm at SOI in the Politz Beit Midrash. We will welcome Yoetzet Halacha Tova Warburg Sinensky and Dr. Chani Yondorf to speak on this important topic. ContactAnna Schwartz for more information.
Save the Date- Saving For Your Future: A Vintage event about estate planning and looking towards a healthy retirement. The date has been postponed to Sunday, Marcy 31st. More details and registration will be shared as the event approaches.
Save the Date - Israeli Wine Tasting & Shiur: Motzai Shabbat, March 9th. More information and registration to follow. Contact Aliza Sadiky to learn more.
Schedule for the Weekend
Erev Shabbat, February 16 (Adar 7) 6:45am Shacharit 8:15am Shacharit 5:19pm Candle Lighting 5:20pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 8:30pm High School Oneg at the Provada's
Shabbat, February 17: Terumah (Adar 8) 8:00am 8AM Minyan 8:30am Sephardic Minyan 9:00am Main Sanctuary Minyan 9:33am Latest Shema 10:00am Youth Groups 10:30am Tot Shabbat 10:30am Middle School Donuts and Discussion with Rabbi Noam Stein 11:30 (Approx.) Drasha by Rabbi Stein 3:50pm Bnei Akiva Snif 4:15pm Shiur with Mrs. Amy Stein 5:00pm Mincha 5:00pm Teen Minyan & Seudah Shlishit 5:15pm Seudah Shlishit & Guest Speaker Rabbi Noam Stein 6:15pm Maariv 6:20pm Havdalah
Sunday, February 18 (Adar 9) 7:00am Shacharit 8:00am Shacharit 5:25pm Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm In Depth Gemara Shiur
I am very excited for the opportunity to share words of Torah with you. Each week, in this spot, I look to share an idea I've found that speaks to me and that I think will resonate with you as well. This week, I share with you a selection from an article by Rabbi Eli Scheller entitled "Enter Your Destination" about the importance of setting goals for growth.
[...] God commanded Moshe to make a menorah by fashioning it out of a single bar of gold. Moshe could not visualize the menorah, and so God showed him a vision of a menorah of fire. However, Moshe still found it difficult to make. God then told him to throw the bar of gold into the fire, give it one blow with the hammer, and a finished menorah would emerge! Moshe threw the gold into the fire, hit it with the hammer and prayed to Hashem. Immediately, the complete menorah emerged from the fire.
There is an obvious difficulty with this: if God knew that Moshe was not going to be able to actually make the menorah by himself, why did He show him the heavenly vision first?
[...] In order to get anywhere in life, you need to have a goal; a vision of where you are heading. You have to first know what you want, before it can happen. Similarly, you can't pray and expect heavenly assistance if you don't have a clear vision of what you are looking for. Therefore, God had to show Moshe a vision of what he was supposed to accomplish, and only then could Moshe pray for heavenly assistance in the making of the menorah.
The Alter of Kelm explains how righteous people of previous generations became such great people. It was because they knew the power of setting goals, and had visions of what they aspired to reach. [...] In order to really change, one needs to envision the great person he would like to be. [...] A person should always aim higher – shoot for the sky, for if you fall you will land amongst the stars! Hoping and praying for a Shabbat Shalom in every sense of the term, Rabbi Davies
We are excited to be partnering with Mizrachi World Movement to provide their publication of HaMizrachi Parasha Weekly.
Thank you to Alise Panitch, Emily Gevins, and Daria Newfield for helping prepare last week's kiddush, to Suzie Mindel for shopping, and to Aliza Levy for making the cholent.
Thank you to Jonathan Delman, Jeffrey Weiss, Matti Rosenberg, Netanel Rosenberg, Yaakov Linder, and Yaakov Zeffren for preparing last week's seudah shlishit.
Thank you to this week's Day of Learning sponsors with wishes for a Refuah Sheleimah for David Shatz, Chaim Dovid Yechezkel Reuven ben Dovrish Devorah. Monday & Wednesday - Duke McCarthy Wednesday - Sabra & Shealtiel Weinberg
Thank you to Team 5 - Red Squadron (Yaakov Zeffren, David Mendelovitz, Meir Miskin, Aaron Rubenstein, Nate Wiener, Blake Dougherty), Debbie Fineberg, Debbie Pester, Oriel Weinberg, Mayer Miltz, JFed Security Officer Bill DiCola and Sam Tilonsky.
Volunteers Needed We are looking for only two volunteers to support our security efforts at 9:00 AM on Team 4 (The Fellowship) and Team 6 (Seal Team 6). These are the only vacancies left for our 6 teams. Please consider donating 30 minutes of your Shabbos or Yom Tov to help provide security for our congregation and community. Contact Sam Tilonsky to volunteer.
Esther Shayna bat Nechama Mintza Chaya Daniela bas Meira Chana Gavriel Yehuda ben Chaya Sarah David Partnow - David Avram ben Tilla Razel Aaron Moshe ben Ruth Chayim Gedalya haLevi ben Henya Kayla Chaya bat Bayla Simcha Avraham ben Datya Leba Inga bat Bella Shaindel bas Gruna Leah Moshe Krumbein - Moshe ben Yehudit Sarah Shmuel ben Ita Ettle Esther bat Yehudit Nechamah
Mordechai Avrohom ben
Malka Yocheved Sara Elisha bat Chaya
Yitzhak Dovid ben Gruna Leah
Reizel bas Yentel Moshe Simcha ben Sarah Ester Chavah Nachamah
bat Rifka Miriam Gershon Daniel ben Malka Chaya Terry ben Helen Cohat Sivel ben Leah Yehudit Sarah bat Esther Debbie Friedner - Devorah Tzlotka bas Sarah Leah Robbie Friedner - Eliezer Ruvan ben Tzvika Herschel Akiva Noam ben Yael Chana Chaya Batsheva bat Esther Zlota David Shatz - Chaim Dovid Yechezkel Reuven ben Dovrish Devorah
Please help us keep this list up to date. If you have names to add or would like to have a name removed from this list, please email
Below is a listing of the names of Israeli Soldiers connected to our community that we have collected thus far:
Tzvi Yehuda ben
Aviva Rachel-Leah Chaim Yehoshu ben Shifra Cherna Avraham Yehuda ben Shifra Cherna Alter Ben-Zion ben Shifra Cherna Mordichai Yisroel ben Yocheved Mina Esther Tamir Chaim Shmuel ben Haizel Rut עזרא גבריאל בן לאה אביה בן עינת Gal ben Orit Alon ben Orit Adi bat Orit Matan ben Irit Aryeh Yisroel ben Sarah Miriam עודד בן חוה אבישי בן בת שבע Gil ben Alice Nitzan bat Tovale Hallel bat Tovale Yedidyah Yisroel ben Nissa Yehudit Simcha Mayer ben Perel טל בן דרורה נועה בת דרורה אורי בן דרורה אורי בן רפאל הלוי Yair Eitan ben Orit Piri Gideon ben Tamar
Asher Raphael Ben Devorah Bracha Yisrael Yitzchak ben Shafrira Ninah Ariel Zev ben
Rina Chaya Tal Bat Nomi Nitsan Bat Nomi Uri Ben Bilha Pinchas ben Rivkah Itta Daniel Yair ben
Mina Mirrel Tzvi Matityahu ben Mina Mirrel Shmuel ben
Sara Raisel Ephraim ben
Sara Raisel אורן בן יהודית אלידן בן חוה אורן חנן בן מלכה מנדל Daniel ben Chava Elad ben Anat Pe'er bat Carmit Finn ben Rachel Porat ben Gelilah Daniel ben Ahuva Clil Or bat Shlomit רבקה פניה בת ציפורה Yitzchak ben Esther
Yaakov Yonatan
ben Chana Elana Noa bat
Rachel Chana
Dovid ben Malka Yonatan Asher Dov Ben Chana Bracha Ohad ben Orna Yiftach ben Malka Boruch ben Miri Yosef Ben Elisheva Michael ben
Leorah Yaffa Gilad ben Sarit Ariel ben Sarit Yair ben Iris Sroya ben Chana Oriel ben Chana אליאסף בן אורנה Tov ben Maya Ram Yosef ben Rivka Maayan ben Gaya Yonadav ben Chana Uriah Shmuel
ben Denise Yakir ben
Ghislaine Chaya Chava Adiv Channan ben Ghislaine Chaya Chava Nadav Gavriel ben Ghislaine Chaya Chava Shai ben
Ghislaine Chaya Chava Yaniv ben Izavel Yochai Avraham
ben Izavel Avichai ben Hila Yaakov Moshe ben Hannah Raizel SOI members and affiliates can click the link to go to the JCommerce websites and purchase their products. You can support SOI through the commission we earn.
House of Kosher Donation Program SOI will automatically earn 2% of your total purchase when you use our code when checking out! SOI's code is 0720
(Think of our shul's address and add a "0" at the start!)
All submissions for the Newslink are due by noon on Wednesday
Reminder: If your mailing information has been changed, please update it on our website by logging on at If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly email, please let the office know. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00am-2:15pm Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Congregation Sons of Iarael 720 Cooper Landing Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002