Kiddush is sponsored by Gail and Bob Belfer in honor of Bob's 50th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah.
Women's Halacha Shiur: Thursday, March 21st at 8:30pm in the SOI Chapel. Studying the Laws of Shabbat. Come join and learn.
Shabbat Parshat Zachor: We add a brief additional Torah portion relaying the Mitzvah of Mechiyas Amalek - Remembering to wipe out Amalek. This is considered one of the only biblically mandated Torah readings of the year, and so we encourage all to make special effort to attend. There will be an additional reading at the conclusion of the 9am davening (approximately 11:30AM) for those who miss it earlier.
Matanot L'Evyonim Campaign 5784: Donate today and support those in need in our own community and beyond! Send donations to SOI and indicate "Matanot L'Evyonim" or submit donations through our website by March 23rd. If you are in need of help, reach out to Rabbi Davies or Michal Drabkin. Requests are kept in strictest confidence.
PURIM AT SOI: For the full Purim schedule, see below or go to our designated Purim page on the SOI website -
Two important additional notes for Motzei Shabbat/Purim night:
(1) Maariv is scheduled for about 30 minutes after Shabbat ends to allow for Purim preparations between Shabbat and Megillah reading. Megillot, costumes, and anything else being used specifically for Purim should not be handled while it is still Shabbat. When Shabbat is over (after 7:57PM), everyone should make their own Havdallah at home to end Shabbat and then prepare to come to Shul for Maariv and Megillah reading.
(2) To assist everyone in fulfilling the Mitzvah of hearing the Megillah, SOI will provide babysitting during the first nighttime Megillah reading for children ages 2 and up. If you would like to be at the first Megillah reading and require childcare to do so or if your child finds it difficult to remain quiet for the entire reading, please consider utilizing this service.
Purim Seudah at SOI: March 24th at 5:30pm at SOI. Contact Madi Botwinick for more information. Registration for this event is now closed.
Semichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: Wednesday evening,
March 27th at 8:00pm. For more information or to sign up please contact
Women's Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, March 27th from 8:30-8:45pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha. Click Here to Join the Zoom.
Naaleh Girls High School Visits SOI: Next weekend, March 29-30, we welcome the 11th Grade Class who will be visiting our community and celebrating Shabbat with us. There will be a number of opportunities for us to get to know the girls and for them to get to know us including a special women's Kabbalat Shabbat, youth programming throughout Shabbat, and a women's Oneg Shabbat afternoon. You can see the full schedule here.
Planning For Your Future: A Vintage event about estate planning and looking towards a healthy retirement. Sunday, March 31st at 12pm at SOI. Registration for this event is now closed. Contact Yaakov Bagley for more information.
Join us at the SOI Annual Gala! Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm at SOI. Click here to purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or place an ad. See more details below!