Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Behar (May 24 - May 25)
05/23/2024 05:01:51 PM
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Announcements & Upcoming Events
Kiddush sponsored by the Davies family for all those fighting on the front lines physically and spiritually; In honor of Dovid Davies as he returns to Israel and in honor of those participating in regular SOI learning opportunities.
Seudah Shlishit and Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy.
Gemara Shiur with Jeff Schwartz: Saturday afternoon, May 25th at 6:20 pm in the SOI Chapel. Come join for an in depth study of Talmud. Semichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: NEW TOPIC! Wednesday, May 29th following Maariv (Approximately 8:30pm). Contact Rabbi Davies to participate or for more information.
Women's Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, May 29th from 8:30-8:45pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha. Click Hereto Join the Zoom.
SOI Lag BaOmer Celebration: All are invited to enjoy ice cream, soft pretzels, games, and music at SOI on Sunday, May 26th at 3:30 - 5:30pm outdoors at SOI. Thank you to Diane & Eytan Irwin for their sponsorship in memory of David Zauder and Abraham Irwin. Adults are invited to join the After-Party and Bonfire at 9:00pm - 10:00pm at the home of Bob & Donna Moskowitz. For more information or to help with planning this event contact Donna Moskowitz, Hannah Kaufman, or Anna Schwartz. Click here to register to attend by May 23rd.
SOI Annual Gala! Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm at SOI. The deadline to register has passed - see additional information below. If you would like to help setup on Tuesday or Wednesday before the Gala, please email or contact Avital Zeffren or Yaeli Sokolic.
Birthdays in the Park: Shabbat, June 1st at 4:30 in Ivy Park celebrating March, April, May, and June Birthdays. Come join your friends & celebrate your birthdays together. Click Hereto have your birthday announced or to sponsor. Signup for Shavuot Torah Slam: Contact Rabbi Davies if you are interested in presenting on a Parsha from Sefer Vayikra on the second day of Shavuot. Only a few slots left!
Graduation Kiddush: Shabbat, June 15th. Celebrate any graduation Pre-K through PhD! Sponsorship options are available from $36 - $360. Click here to sponsor by June 9th.
Shabbat, May 25: 32nd Day Omer, Behar (Iyyar 17) 8:00am 8AM Minyan 8:30am Sephardic Minyan 9:00am Main Sanctuary Minyan 9:17am Latest Shema 10:00am Youth Groups 10:30am Tot Shabbat 6:20pm Gemara Shiur 7:40pm Mincha 7:40pm Teen Minyan 8:10pm Seudah Shlishit 9:05pm Maariv 9:06pm Havdalah
Sunday, May 26: Lag B'Omer, 33rd Day Omer (Iyyar 18) 7:00am Shacharit 8:00am Shacharit 3:30pm Lag BaOmer Event at SOI 8:05pm Mincha/Maariv 9:00pm Lag BaOmer Adult Bonfire at the Moskowitz Home
I am very excited for the opportunity to share words of Torah with you. Each week, in this spot, I look to share an idea I've found that speaks to me and that I think will resonate with you as well. This week, I share with you an excerpt from an article by Sarah Maddali entitled "Beneath the Veil of Nature" sharing a deeper understanding and appreciation of Shemittah.
The most common phrase of the Torah is “And God said to Moses saying…” In this week’s Torah portion, the Torah gives us a little extra information, “God said to Moses on Mt. Sinai saying...” and then continues with telling us about the laws of shmitta, which entails letting land owned by Jews lay fallow every 7 years. What is the connection specifically with the laws of shmitta and having to tell us that God gave this commandment on Mt. Sinai? The Torah in its entirety was given to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai. Why is it in only in this week’s portion that it’s mentioned? The Jews heard the all the commandments on Mt. Sinai!
[...] During shmitta year, the land lays fallow. It becomes hefker – ownerless to any one person. We take this time to recognize that all along it is really God’s land that He has allowed us to use. The land during shmitta goes back to its Source – back to its true owner, God, Who created it. During shmitta it lays fallow, just to be - not to produce, not to create, not to make and reap and give. Just to be. And thus, the farmer also has to just be. The farmer has to have complete faith in God that He will provide for him despite not having an income to draw from.
From that place of not doing but recognizing it’s all from God, the land will be able to produce much more. This is an unbelievable secret – we think that running, doing, producing, churning, more and more gives more and more, but this is a farce. We like to think that we are in control but when we stop and recognize that everything is really God’s and He is running the show, we allow something much greater than ourselves and our efforts to manifest. We allow God into our lives and with God, anything and everything is possible.
[...This] forces us to recognize that everything comes from God. The same God Who created us is also sustaining us. And while we have a duty to put in our best efforts, God is teaching a beautiful lesson that ultimately it is Him Who keeps us alive and is responsible for our very existence. This is the point of Torah and mitzvot – to recognize God in our lives. To move aside the veil of nature to reveal God’s loving hand beneath it all.
We look forward to celebrating our shul and honorees at the Gala on Wednesday night. The deadline to register has closed. If you would like to make a donation towards the fundraiser, or if you have any questions, email
THE GALA SILENT AUCTION IS NOW LIVE! There’s something for everyone so go check it out! The silent auction will remain live until May 29th at 8pm and winners will be announced at the gala. You do not have to be present at the gala to win!
Thank you to Alise Panitch for organizing the event with First Responder Yossi Hoffman about October 7th.
Thank you to Andy Rauer for assisting in the office during this week.
Thank you to Aliza Sadiky, Sylvia Levine, Shira Baratz, and Malka Baratz for helping prepare last week's kiddush, to Oze Henig for shopping, and to Tamar Wiener for making the cholent.
Thank you, Jonathan Delman, Aharon Yeres, Yaakov Zeffren & Jeffrey Weiss for helping with last weeks Seudah Shlishit.
Mazal Tov to Avital Zeffren on receiving the Jewish Federation of Southern NJ's Love Impact Award for Global Connections
We regret to inform you of the passing of Barbara Morgenstern, Beryl Sarah bat Moshe, beloved mother of Michael (Channah) Morgenstern Shiva will continue to take place at the Morgenstern home 9 Coach Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Thursday visiting hours: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Friday visiting hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Shivah Minyan Times: Shacharit: Thursday, Friday, Sunday at 7:15 AM Mincha/Maariv: Thursday at 8:00 PM
Thank you to Seal Team 6 (Team 6 Don Becker, Rachael Shuster, Mordecai Krumbein, Brittany Yeres, Mayer Miltz), Debbie Fineberg, Ken Panitch, Chani Wiesman Berliant, Meir Miskin, JFed Security Officer Bill DiCola and Sam Tilonsky for providing security on Shabbos.
Thank you to JFed Security Officer Bill DiCola for providing security during Tuesday’s event with Yossi Hoffman.
Security Volunteer Needed Team 7 needs one (1) person to complete the team. The open position is at 9:00am. Please consider donating 30 minutes of your Shabbos or Yom Tov to participate in our security program. Contact Sam Tilonsky or Debbie Fineberg to volunteer. SOI members and affiliates can click the link to go to the JCommerce websites and purchase their products. You can support SOI through the commission we earn.
House of Kosher Donation Program SOI will automatically earn 2% of your total purchase when you use our code when checking out! SOI's code is 0720
(Think of our shul's address and add a "0" at the start!)
All submissions for the Newslink are due by noon on Wednesday
Reminder: If your mailing information has been changed, please update it on our website by logging on at If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly email, please let the office know. Regular Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am-2:15pm Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Congregation Sons of Iarael 720 Cooper Landing Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002