Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Bechukotai (May 30 - June 2)
05/30/2024 05:00:57 PM
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Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit and Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy. Ruach Filled Kabbalat Shabbat: We invite everyone of all ages to bring in Shabbat together this Friday night, May 31st at SOI.
Doughnuts and Discussion with Rabbi Dovi Friedman: Saturday morning, June 1st at approximately 10:30am in Politz Science Room for 6th-8th graders.
Birthdays in the Park: Shabbat, June 1st at 4:30 in Ivy Park celebrating March, April, May, and June Birthdays. Come join your friends & celebrate your birthdays together. Click Hereto have your birthday announced or to sponsor. Gemara Shiur with Jeff Schwartz: Saturday afternoon, June 1st at 6:25 pm in the SOI Chapel. Come join for an in depth study of Talmud. A Deep Look at Sefer Bereishit: Monday evening, June 3rd, at 8:45pm in the SOI Kiddush Room. Semichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: Wednesday, June 5th following Maariv (Approximately 8:30pm). Contact Rabbi Davies to participate or for more information.
Women's Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, June 5th from 8:30-8:45pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha. Click Hereto Join the Zoom. Signup for Shavuot Torah Slam: Contact Rabbi Davies if you are interested in presenting on a Parsha from Sefer Vayikra on the second day of Shavuot. Only a few slots left!
Graduation Kiddush: Shabbat, June 15th. Celebrate any graduation Pre-K through PhD! Sponsorship options are available from $36 - $360. Click here to sponsor by June 9th.
I am very excited for the opportunity to share words of Torah with you. Each week, in this spot, I look to share an idea I've found that speaks to me and that I think will resonate with you as well. This week, I share with you an excerpt from an article by Rabbi Eli Scheller entitled "Slow Down!!" which elaborates on the contemporary message behind the beginning of the Tochecha.
[...When t]he Torah [...] elaborates on the punishments [in this week's Parsha, it begins] with 'I will visit upon you confusion." Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin explains this curse to mean that we will be beset with confusion and nervous tension. He notes that this curse has been fulfilled in our time; people live hectic, pressure-laden lives, rushing from one activity to the next.
In today's "instant generation" no one has patience for anything. Driving is a good example: if you want to know the smallest unit of time, try measuring the amount of time it takes from when the light turns green until the car behind you starts beeping! Our worst nightmare is getting stuck by a red light, or even worse - behind a school bus letting off children, whether we are actually in a rush or not. Stores have video screens to keep people waiting on the checkout line occupied. E-Z pass is no longer sufficient, rather we need E-Z pass Express, so that we don't have to slow down for a second. Soon we'll be able to take care of all our errands without stepping out of the car; everything will be Drive-thru!
We may think that this is all a blessing, because we can accomplish so much more in less time. However, not only is it a curse - it is the first curse mentioned in this week's Torah portion. Rabbi Sorotzkin goes on to explain that this lack of inner tranquility is a punishment for having lost our patience in our service of God. In order to regain our sense of inner peace we must set aside time for prayer and mitzvot. Then God will bless us with a life of physical and mental tranquility.
Welcome to Ari and Melissa Edelstein who recently moved to Cherry Hill with their three daughters Sophia, Annaelle, and Jenna
Thank you to Hannah Kaufman and Anna Schwartz for organizing the Lag BaOmer event at SOI and to Donna Moskowitz and Bob Moskowitz for hosting the Adult Bonfire at their home. Thank you to volunteers who helped with the event: Heshy, Aliza, & Shimon Chaitoff, Elon Elisha, Eytan & Diane Irwin, Sam Tilonsky, and Jeffrey, Ilana, Naama, & Meira Weiss.
Thank you to Yaeli Sokolic and Avital Zeffren for Co-Chairing the SOI Annual Gala and to all of the volunteers who helped out. See our special post-gala email for more details.
Thank you to Sarah Zanger, Gail Belfer, Brenda Bender, Maetal and Oze Henig for helping prepare last week's kiddush, to Flo Shulman for shopping, and to Avrumi Adler for making the cholent. Unfortunately, the crockpot was broken last week and the cholent could not be served. This week's cholent is in place of last week's which was sponsored by the Davies.
Thank you to Eric Klein, Jonathan Delman, Yaakov Zeffren, Aaron Zeffren Yaakov Linder, Matti Rosenberg, and Jeffrey Weiss for helping with last weeks Seudah Shlishit.
We regret to inform you of the passing of Ruth Weiss,beloved wife of Burton Weiss.
Thank you to The Mod Squad (Team 1: Debbie Pester, Guillaume Schpektor, Jeff Liss, Donna Moskowitz, Shari Solomon, Chemmie Sokolic), Chani Wiesman Berliant, JFed Security Officer Bill DiCola, Reuven Fils and Sam Tilonsky for providing security on Shabbos. Security Volunteer Needed Team 7 needs one (1) person to complete the team. The open position is at 9:00am. Please consider donating 30 minutes of your Shabbos or Yom Tov to participate in our security program. Contact Sam Tilonsky ( or Debbie Fineberg ( to volunteer. SOI members and affiliates can click the link to go to the JCommerce websites and purchase their products. You can support SOI through the commission we earn.
House of Kosher Donation Program SOI will automatically earn 2% of your total purchase when you use our code when checking out! SOI's code is 0720
(Think of our shul's address and add a "0" at the start!)
All submissions for the Newslink are due by noon on Wednesday
Reminder: If your mailing information has been changed, please update it on our website by logging on at If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly email, please let the office know. Regular Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am-2:15pm Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Congregation Sons of Iarael 720 Cooper Landing Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002