Newslink for Shabbat Parashat Pinchas (July 26 - July 28)
07/25/2024 05:01:53 PM
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Announcements & Upcoming Events
Seudah Shlishit & Teen Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Duke McCarthy. Summer Women's Shiur Series: This Shabbat afternoon, July 27th at 4:30pm at the home of Caryn Hurlock- 14 Lantern Lane with speaker Alise Panitch.
Semichas Chaver Program with Rabbi Davies: Wednesdays following Maariv (Approximately 8:45pm). Contact Rabbi Davies to participate or for more information. Class is on break and will resume August 7th. Women's Weekly Parsha Discussion: Wednesday evening, July 31st from 8:30-8:45pm. Join us on Zoom for a brief peer led discussion on the weekly parsha. Click Hereto Join the Zoom.
I am very excited for the opportunity to share words of Torah with you. Each week, in this spot, I look to share an idea I've found that speaks to me and that I think will resonate with you as well. This week, I share with you an excerpt from an article by Rabbi Boruch Leff entitled "Give War a Chance" explaining what Pinchas’s act has to do with true peace. The full article can be found here -
[…] God begins this week's portion saying to Moshe, "Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the son of Ahron, the Priest, turned back my fury from the Jewish nation when he zealously avenged my vengeance among them. This is why I did not consume the Jewish nation in My vengeance. Therefore, say: Behold, I give him (Pinchas) My covenant of peace." (Bamidbar 25:10-12) We know that God administers reward and punishment with the device called 'measure for measure.' The punishment or reward must fit the crime or good deed. In this case, Pinchas' act of zealousness is rewarded with peace. Is that measure for measure? Do we usually associate a peaceful person with being a zealot?
God is teaching us a fundamental lesson about war and peace. Wars are necessary at times. There is such a thing as a justified war. As Kohelet 3:8 states, "There is a time for war." God is saying to Moshe, "Tell Pinchas that his zealousness is peace." Peace does not mean a passive lack of war. […] Peace is a state of being in which there is a closeness, a relationship, a way of dealing with each other. It isn't just that I don't bother you and you don't bother me; that's not peace. It's that we live together and work together and have a unity, a commonality that all of us are part of a whole.
In Hebrew, the word for peace, shalom, is derived from the root shalem, which means whole or complete. Peace is a cooperative, symbiotic relationship, where both parties care for each other, help each other, and ultimately perfect each other. Two people who hate each other and never speak to each other, but never fight either, cannot be said to be at peace with each other. Marital harmony and domestic tranquility does not mean the simple lack of screaming and yelling in the house. It is a state of being in which your spouse genuinely shares in your triumphs, strengthens you when you are down, loves, adores, and cherishes you. […]
Since peace is an active force rather than a passive lack of war, ultimately anything that disturbs and destroys this state of true peace must be removed in order for true shalom -- peace -- to exist. That is why Pinchas, through his zealous act, actually creates peace. Pinchas stops the plague against the Jewish people and through a violent act of war brings peace.
It is very often necessary to create peace only through what seems to be an act of violence. One must remove those things that disturb the harmony and that create tensions between peoples in order for peace to exist. And it is not always possible to remove the items that block peace through non-violent means. […]
Hoping and praying for a Shabbat Shalom from the Holy Land, Rabbi Davies
We are excited to be partnering with Mizrachi World Movement to provide their publication of HaMizrachi Parasha Weekly.
2024-2025 MEMBERSHIP DUES All past members should have received their new dues invoice by email. Please log into your Shulcloud account to set up payment. Please email with any questions. To request Financial Assistance, please complete this confidential form: All correspondence will be kept in the strictest confidence. NEW: Legacy Membership is now available for all past SOI members who have moved away from Cherry Hill. Please email to request Legacy Membership. If you are a new family and would like to become members of SOI please visit and complete the Membership Application Form.
Kiddush Sponsors Needed We are grateful to all of our kiddush sponsors! We do not have any kiddush sponsors signed up for the next upcoming weeks. Please consider sharing your celebrations with the community and signing up to sponsor kiddush so we can continue to have weekly kiddush for the community to share together.
Thank you to, Oze Henig, Sylvia Levine, and Debbie Friedner for helping prepare last week's kiddush, to Debbie Friedner for shopping, and to Yaakov Linder for making cholent.
Thank you to Eric Klein, Jonathan Delman, Jeffrey Weiss, Matti Rosenberg, Aaron Yeres, Ezra Newfeld, for helping for helping with last weeks Seudah Shlishit.
Thank you to Yaffa and Jack Fuchs for hosting the Vintage BBQ last week.
Thank you to Team 2 (Harvey Chaitoff, Adam Shulman, Jeff Liss, Robbie Friedner), Debbie pester, Diane Irwin, Debbie Fineberg, Donna Moskowitz, Chani Wiesman Berliant, JFed Security Officer Bill DiCola and Sam Tilonsky for providing security on Shabbos.
Speed Bumps IMPORTANT: The new speed bumps have recently been installed on the road around the SOI/Politz campus. They were placed to significantly slow vehicle traffic down and make it much safer for everyone (kids and adults) walking through our campus. SOI members and affiliates can click the link to go to the JCommerce websites and purchase their products. You can support SOI through the commission we earn.
House of Kosher Donation Program SOI will automatically earn 2% of your total purchase when you use our code when checking out! SOI's code is 0720
(Think of our shul's address and add a "0" at the start!)
All submissions for the Newslink are due by noon on Wednesday
Reminder: If your mailing information has been changed, please update it on our website by logging on at If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly email, please let the office know. Regular Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30am - 3:00pm (In-Office) Wednesday & Friday: 9:30am - 3:00pm (Remote)
Congregation Sons of Iarael 720 Cooper Landing Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002